Eagle Lake, Storm Lifting
The storm will lift!
Think how happy we'll all feel when the application phase is over, we know we have done the best we could have done, and we have been true to ourselves and to our work throughout the entire process...
Put the Vermonters Ahead!
Thanks Mariella -- for everything, and let me shed humility for once and volunteer to be "put ahead"!
lol --
See you in Montpelier, my friend.
Hello CLair and other friends still checking blogs...Put the Vermonters Ahead is a famous quote-- General Sedgewick rallying the troops to march on Gettysburg ordered the Vermont Infantry to the front of the lines. Vermont lost the greatest number of men per capita of any Union State in the Civil War. We have always been a fractious bunch! The Vermonters were willing to take the most dangerous postion and willing to fight and struggle for our beliefs.
I have to say it's very funny, as an 8th generation Vermonter, living 70 miles from Bennington, to have the project blog refer to me as an out of state agitator... When are people going to get it? Vermonters are born not made. I will never be anything but a Vermonter. I have lived so many places, Germany, Denmark, Brooklyn, Woodstock, NY and I have to laugh at being called an out-of-stater. Too funny....My brother is in Kabul now for a year-- does that make him Afghani?
At least all of the artists know by now just who Mariella is and what she is made of. I look forward to continuing many of the friendships begun in this project. You have all been a great inspiration and a catalyst. I hope to see you in Vermont! We could agitate or somthing....Mariella
I mistakenly asked this question in an email to you rather than a blog post, so I'm repeating it here, because others might want to know:
You left too soon for me to digest your work and I have a question:
Do you cut the pieces first and then paint them, or paint the paper, and then cut?
It's been driving me crazy.
我喜歡用心經營的blog~ ^^.................................................................
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